Manufacturing and digital transformation

Enable operational efficiency, agility, and competitiveness with the adoption of new technologies. The concept of digital transformation in manufacturing and many other industries promise so much hoping to push industries into a new age, increasing innovation, resilience in rapidly changing markets etc. But has it really been such an easy transformation? I would say no. It has been quite the opposite, and it doesn’t seem to matter if you manufacture gas springs, circlips or whatever.

For the manufacturing industry, I would say no. In many areas we have seen the industry struggle to deploy digital solutions, for example IIoT.

Here are the most common problems

  1. Justifying the upfront costs
  2. Skills gap
  3. Strain on IT department
  4. Data security

Kids at the hairdresser

Has your child been to the hairdresser and seen this kind of cool chair? Talk about smart way of keeping kids focus away from why they are really there.

This is a typical way of usage area when it comes to lockable gas springs. They are used in applications that require the ability to lock out the stroke in a desired position without needing external locking mechanisms.

Gas springs in the eye of the pandemic

No one has gone by the last one and a half year totally unaffected by the pandemic. I think we all know someone who have been sick or even lost a loved one to this horrible disease. The medical workers have been our heros multiple times around with their effortless work.

The manufacturing industry have done their part as well by changing their production to provide hospitals with crucial equipment like face masks, machines for life support, mobile x-ray machines, hand sanitizer etc.

Gas springs for example have been used inside mobile x-ray machines in China quickly supply intensive-care physicians with imaging of patients’ lungs.

Cooking camp with gas springs

Going camping this summer? I love the calm and quite outdoor. Bringing your grill and cook outside. To do this you need a compact grill easy to take with you. And of course we can find springs even here :).

This grill has an automatically locking lid, gas spring lifters and locks to prevent the cart from folding down when the propane tank is attached.

Image courtesy of

Springs in asphalt rollers

Springs are found everywhere, right? In the gas spring industry we often talk about usage areas like ergonomic furnitures, vehicles and different kind of controlled opening of hatches etc.

But how about gas springs on an asphalt roller. Believe it or not but the engine hood on this roller can be opened almost 90 degrees and is equipped with a gas spring for easy opening and closing.

image source:

Bedroom bench

Did you know that you might have gas springs in your bedroom? How about this dapper bench. Classy and charming. The bench has a gas spring lift that assists opening the hinged lid. A great example how springs are all around, they are just as common outside the factory as they are inside the factory.

Image source:

Springs to balance drum roller engine

If you work in construction you might be expert in the field of drum rollers, but if you’re not. I just read an article about a double drum roller used on asphalt. The large engine hood on can in some cases open almost 90 degrees which is done thanks to a gas spring balance that enables this opening and closing of the hood.

image source:

Gas springs love

Honestly, we need to talk about gas spring (or gas springs in plural). These fantastic pieces of products are so incredibly versatile it’s ridiculous.

  • Hydraulic gas springs
  • Dynamic gas spring
  • Lockable gas springs
  • Stainless steel gas spring
  • Specially made gas springs for tooling

And this is just customized product with gas springs. Then there are a whole world of standard products with different end fittings. Welcome to the world of gas springs.


Do you have a license to drive a motorcycle? Congrats.

Gas springs are common components in motorcycles. The hydraulic rear suspension could use a gas spring in the rear. You learn something new every day, am I right?